Saturday, January 19, 2008

Crime in South Africa

Crime in South Africa has reached mind boggling, barbaric proportions. The place resembles a civil war; the criminals are in complete control! Armed gangs with AK47 machine guns and R5 rifles enter shopping centres, rob and kill innocent staff and shoppers with impunity. To add insult to injury, the government is effectively disarming the law abiding population – leaving the arms in the hands of the violent criminal element. Who can blame anyone for thinking we have a criminal-friendly Government?Proof of this is the fact that the main beneficiaries since the ANC took power in 1994, are the lawless, the violent and the bloodthirsty. They abolished the death penalty and, as in the Mc Bride case, even promote previous death cell inmates to senior positions in the police force.The President has personally backed and nurtured a police commissioner against whom serious allegations of crime have been leveled. In parliament, they retain parliamentarians who have scammed money from the state coffers – and these same people pass laws to govern the rest of us!The government resembles a criminal syndicate more than it does a supposed “representative of the people.” They are fortunate that we are not ruled by Muslim Sharia Law, where thieves limbs are cut off, because we would then, quite literally, have a parliament of handless politicians.To make matters worse, the media only covers a fraction of the true crime rate. The quality press is too busy, rightfully, exposing the few crimes of which they are made aware. However, the majority of crimes go unreported due to lack of space and the failure of the police to give adequate information. Should the media report the full extent of crime in this country, the newspapers will become prohibitively expensive, because they will have to be the equivalent in size of a thick novel – each day.Also, if the full extent and the depravity of all the bloodthirsty crimes committed were reported, I wonder how many people would actually come here from overseas for the 2010 World Cup?How can the ANC expect their more violent supporters to suddenly change and become law abiding citizens after necklacing and brutally killing fellow blacks who dared to oppose them before 1994?

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