Saturday, January 19, 2008


The Skielik Squatter camp shooting is a turning point in the turmoil of current events in South Africa . See Source News24,,2-7-1442_2253293,00.html

The knee-jerk reaction of the communist-terrorist ANC propaganda media to immediately declare this a white racist attack on blacks, for the sole purpose of fuelling further anti-white black racist hatred and more black on white murder, mayhem, rape, plunder and pillage is a message that has been sent loud and clear to the world.
It is a message that needs to be understood, and crystal clear for what it is saying.
The message to white South Africans is this:
It is time for white South Africans to recognize unequivocally that there is a full-blown race war being waged against them in South Africa purely because of the colour of their skin.
It is time for white South Africans to recognize that most of the black population in South Africa is actively pursuing and willingly participating in an ANC Government endorsed agenda to brutally slaughter every last white man, woman and child in South Africa because they are white and that this is precisely what blacks are doing at every opportunity in constant collusion with one another.
It is time for white South Africans to acknowledge that the ultimate objective of the black racist ANC terrorist regime and their free-agents on the ground, both South African and Zimbabwean, is the absolute annihilation of all whites.
It is time for white South Africans to realize that they are in a struggle for their very survival and that if they do not fight for their survival, they will be totally, and brutally exterminated for one reason only - because they are white, there is no other reason.
It is time for white South Africans to acknowledge that they have no sympathizers amongst the world’s governments, themselves, ineffectual and weak, that they have no allies, no friends and if the blacks decide at any given moment to start killing the white population of South Africa, they will either have to fight for their survival or await their slaughter as meekly and as dumbly as sheep in an abattoir pen.
What reason, let alone justification, could there possibly be for the black terrorist assault on the white population in South Africa chronicled daily by reports of brutality after brutality, atrocity after atrocity? After all, Apartheid ended in 1994 when whites relinquished political control of South Africa and simultaneously embarked on a process to rapidly relinquish economic and military control of the country to the ANC Communist terrorist regime.
Since 1994, whites do not stand accused in any manner whatsoever of any subversive, confrontational or antagonistic agenda against the new black order in SA. Neither do they in any way stand accused of any atrocities committed against blacks that innocent, unarmed, white civilians are subjected to daily by blacks.
So what are the reasons for the ANC endorsed genocide taking place in South Africa today?
All the whites have done is get on with their lives and as best they can, try and earn a living and raise their families in a country in which all racial conflict was supposed to have ended. Whites have gone to every length that could reasonably be expected of them to co-exist with their black antagonists in a spirit of mutual progress and benefit for the entire country.
In reciprocation, blacks have maintained a backlash against whites, the brutality, range and depth of which is unparalleled in the history of racial conflict. The black racist communist terrorist ANC regime has responded by marginalizing, disenfranchising, dispossessing and disarming whites in every diabolical way conceivable, while every step of the way systematically and brutally slaughtering white people on a scale and with a savagery that the so-called “evils” of Apartheid could not even be remotely compared.
It has been an orgy of racially agitated bloodletting, the absolute barbarity of which is notched up with each subsequent incident exposing the black psyche as the most diabolically evil, cruel and inhuman and against which very few atrocities in history can compare. Each new day heralds another litany of black on white atrocities that clearly has only one possible culmination – the final slaughter en masse of every last white man, woman and child in SA.
Let not anybody, least of all whites in South Africa , for one minute casually dismiss the notion of an all out black racist assault. It is not for nothing that whites have been so often reminded by the liberal left of how lucky they are and how grateful they should be that the blacks did not proceed to slaughter all of the nearly 5 million white people in SA in 1994, as reprisal for Apartheid. 5 million people is just short of the 6 million Jews that were exterminated by the Nazis in the Holocaust.
In other words, every last white in South Africa , to the roaring concession and self-righteous admonishment of the rest of the world needs to be grateful, nay, to grovel with gratitude at the feet of South African blacks for not visiting upon us a second holocaust in human history.
The Nazi holocaust is recognized universally as the single most heinous atrocity of human history, it is universally recognized as the absolute depths of depravity to which humanity sank in it’s entire history, to systematically exterminate like vermin, which indeed the Nazis called them, 6 million people because they belonged to a particular ethnic group. This in turn has since been held up as the single most definitive reason that racial intolerance should be deemed so abhorrent and that anybody who subscribes to this very broad, all-encompassing but generally vague “Racism” should be equally abhorred and likened to the Nazis.
Whatever apartheid was, it can never, not by any stretch of the imagination be likened in any way to the policies of the Nazis which manifested in the atrocities they committed for which there exists masses of evidence in the form of documents, records, photographs and films, not to mention the actual structures within which they effected the mass extermination of human beings, such as gas chambers, ovens and concentration camps.
How can apartheid in any way be compared to what the Nazis did to the Jews? Yet in recent decades, Apartheid has been routinely compared to Nazism and South African whites portrayed to the world as akin to Nazis against which time and again, retaliation has been called for by the international left wing liberal community in support of South African blacks. That not a shred of evidence exists to qualify any comparison on any level between Nazism and Nazi atrocities to Apartheid has been of no consequence in the hysterical lobbying for reprisals and in recent times, the constant shoving down our throats that whites can be thankful they were not subjected to a second holocaust.
However, the notion has held sway on the strength of black African lies and deceit and the sensationalism and spin-doctoring by international left wing liberal sycophants to be unequivocally accepted as evidence of a mythical apparition of Apartheid being akin to Nazism. For this modern day myth, whites must be grateful for not being exterminated, regardless of the fact that by way of further delusion this is in fact exactly what is happening to whites in South Africa .
Incredibly enough, the only parallels that can be drawn between modern South African history and racial intolerance aka Apartheid and the Nazis and the Holocaust are the black racist “Reverse Apartheid” policies of the communist terrorist ANC regime and the protracted programme of the slaughter of innocent, unarmed, white civilians whose only affront to the ANC is being white and present in SA. The extent to which racial segregation of whites has been overtly legislated and implemented by the black racist government in every facet of life more closely approximates Nazi persecution of Jews than Apartheid can ever be accused of.
The 35 000 innocent, unarmed white civilians including 2-3000 farmers that have been brutally slaughtered under ANC communist terrorist rule more closely approximates the Nazi pogroms leading up to the holocaust than anything Apartheid stands accused of. Against the backdrop of 14 years of ANC terrorist brutality against the white population, the holocaust that everyone is reminding us we must be so thankful we were spared from is a stark reality that is staring us in the face with the absolute certainty of every brutal murder of whites that takes place every day.
Anybody who believes for one second that white South Africans are not being set up for a massacre needs to have their face shoved forcefully into the newspaper reports on the Skielik squatter camp shooting. In recent weeks there have been a number of violent black on white race hate crimes, in which not once was the race of the perpetrator mentioned. Yet on this extremely rare occasion of a white teenager, traumatized and brutalized by past black brutality on himself, his family and friends, mentally succumbing and perpetrating a clearly irrational and isolated crime, the ANC terrorists and their propaganda machine have gone into a feeding frenzy to bay for more bloodshed of more whites.
Such are the double standards of the ANC terrorists that never, never, in any instance of brutal black on white crime under their dispensation, has the race of the perpetrators ever been reported, but when one incident of white on black crime occurs they not only violate a variety of legal protocols and the rights of the white teenager to subject him to media trial, they also at local government level officially and publicly call for and incite further black race hatred knowing full well how this can escalate.
Let whites not be under any illusion that the so-called terrorist war against them, portrayed as an “Armed struggle” ended in 1994. It has in fact continued, and in every act of black on white violence and every farm murder since then, been intensified. Let there be no illusion that the ANC terrorists will not use any little excuse they can to launch a mass attack against whites in the final onslaught and their manipulation of this incident to that end should be a loudly ringing warning bell to whites in South Africa that the black terrorists are getting impatient and clutching at any straw to justify the massacre.
The time has come for whites to prepare themselves for this. The time has come to stop pussy footing around political correctness, racial tolerance and other suchlike crap – this is an outright black racist terrorist war on white people being waged with weapons of war and if there is still time left for white people, they need to use this time to co-ordinate and commence their own “Liberation Struggle” from the black minority terrorist regime to campaign for their own enclave in Southern Africa.
Whites are being subjected to a terrorist war, the clear objective of which is their ultimate and total annihilation purely because they are white, nothing else. As such, the argument for a White Independent Country in Southern Africa for generations of whites born there on the grounds that they are being persecuted and ethnically cleansed because they are white is more than a compelling one and it’s time has come, if only to avoid another holocaust.

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